The modular operating theater (MOT) system is often used in operating rooms since it is incorporated into a single control panel, enabling its operation more effectively and efficiently. The MOT in the present study’s operating room employs analytical techniques, and moreover has complicated space needs. Any hospital that wants to implement MOT in the operating room must adhere to the regulations of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, as everything must adhere to a specific criteria. Additionally, MOT must fulfill the primary components required to ensure that the operational process proceeds properly and without technological difficulties. The criteria also includes the use of insulated doors (swing or sliding) to control the pathogens, bacteriostatic floors with corner covings, the operating table must be set in such a way that the laminar airflow reaches it, the use of modern operating tables, the adequate filtration of the air conditioning system and the air distribution system, and use of sterile corridors. The MOT in the operating room must also include the medical gas pipeline system (MGPS), flexible arm light pendants, precise indications on surgeon control panels and electrical panels, scrub stations, comprehensive utility pendants, as well as static/dynamic clean/dirty boxes. The operating room MOT requirements are specified in PERMENKES RI No. 1204/MENKES/SK/X/2004, and any hospital that wishes to construct one must adhere to them. Several requirements are outlined in the study that must be adhered to while manufacturing MOT. For example, walls and ceilings must be insulated with PUF, EPS, or stainless steel panels.
Source / References:
Andiyan, I Made Raka , Masayu Rosyidah , Santi Salayanti , Pandu Adi Cakranegara , Rini Nuraini. Modular operating theater based integration system in hospital operating rooms. J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol 2022 Jun 30;29(2):e104-e114. doi: 10.47750/jptcp.2022.936. eCollection 2022.